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Condo / Townhome Insurance

Insuring your condo as well as your personal possessions is critical.

condo-insurance-photo2If you are the owner of a condominium unit, it is vitally necessary that you have condominium insurance for your protection. You may think that your condominium association has you covered...they don't! It's up to you to protect your property and belongings. 

Did you know that Florida law specifically limits the insurance obligations and requirements of Condominium Associations? While the Condo Association covers the outside of your home, you are responsible for insuring all property inside you unit. This includes:
Floor, Wall, Ceiling and Window Coverings, Appliances and Fixtures, Airconditioning and Heating Equipment, Cabinets and Countertops, Water Heaters and all of your personal property including furniture, clothing electronics and other personal belongings.

You are responsible for covering all of this! We believe that "it could never happen to me." Unfortunately people are caught unaware and under-insured when disaster strikes. You could lose thousands of dollars if your unit is damaged or destroyed by fire, hurricane or ther catastrphes. Kepp in mind also that without insurance, you may have no way to even relocate or start over.

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